Permission for you to touch my privates doesn't mean much when the option is to violate my military orders by not flying The commuter terminal only had the naked machines today, so I opted out, especially in light of the fact that the TSA recently admitted that the radiation emitted by the machines is higher than previously thought, and they don't know *how* high it is. GREAT! Hey, let's make sure pregnant women get a good ol' dose of x-rays with no protection over their uteroi. So I opted out. The TSA does not like it when you do this. I put my hands on my head because I figured I was supposed to and things went downhill from there. I told the supervisor she had my permission to violate my 4th Amendment rights and sure to form she said I'd given up my rights by passing the checkpoint. The patdown was fairly professional, but they do feel your crotch and around your breasts. Then they thanked me for my service and oh yeah, that's when I went off with, "Yes, *I* defend freedom! You don't!" What the hell are they thinking? I did not swear at them, call them names or anything. I did bring up the Constitution because I've sworn to defend it against all enemies, foreign and domestic. They are the domestic enemy mentioned in my oath.

Support the troops, especially when they give the TSA a piece of their mind. LOL. Kudos to Stephanie!

45 Responses to Stephanie: “So I opted out. The TSA does not like it when you do this.”

  1. Nicole says:

    Full Frontal Nudity Will Not Make Us Safer: Abolish the TSA

  2. [...] * Originally posted at [...]

  3. Christine says:

    Love it, thanks so much for fighting for our freedom both abroad and domestically.

  4. dt3 says:

    (Only governments are limited by the first amendment)

    the humor in this statement is endless… so why would constitutional rights end at your website but continue through the airports??

    • Almost all major airports are owned by governments.

      But that statement doesn’t mean that your rights disappear outside of government-owned spaces. It just means you don’t have the right to publish your comments on my website. Make sense?

  5. Scout says:

    Sorry, while I sympathize with this cause against illegal search and seizures because you participate in the U.S. Military this gives you zero moral authority when the organization you support and work for is murdering hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians in immoral and corrupt Wars for oil.

    • That’s a good point.

    • Daniel says:

      I am an Army bandsman. I have never killed anyone and do not support murder. And hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians have not died in any recent wars (that number is way too high). And the “organization I work for” is called the United States Government, the one you elected. My commander in chief is the president. And congress is the only branch that can declare war. The US Military does not decide to go to war, your elected representatives do and then we follow orders. And you should read more about the humanitarian efforts of all the branches, especially the US Navy. The USNS Mercy and Comfort do not even carry ordnance on board, and they are the third largest ships in the entire fleet (by length), having gone on many humanitarian tours throughout the globe. The world could use a little less prejudiced and self-righteous hate, and a little more love, and that includes us soldiers, too.

    • Ben says:

      That’s kinda a douchey thing to say, that’s like sayin you work at footlocker so you TOTALLY support child slave labor and you help it…

      • Stephanie says:

        Except that I have a choice not to go into Footlocker. I was flying on official business, and if the Army says I have to fly, I fly.

  6. Mr Bob says:

    Excellente’ – The first time I was pulled out of line and singled out for the full business (prior to the most recent indignities being added), I was in my Navy Uniform. I could not believe it. everyone around me was also stunned. It was like they pulled out service members and old ladies just to show they were not profiling.
    Mr Bob recently posted..Colorado Majority Leader John Morse requested 331 days of Per Diem in 2009

  7. Elliott says:

    Thank you Stephanie for standing up for our freedoms. Great job.

  8. Andrea says:

    Just one more reason for me to never visit the States. No offense you guys. I love what you stand for, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of expression, but when put into practice you don’t stand-up as well.

    • Don’t blame all of us for the actions of some thugs at the top.

      • Pincho says:

        We don’t hold it against the people, but the thugs are running the show. …and the people are (mostly) supporting them.

        • Glenn says:

          Most people in the US think that the government has lawful authority to compel one to be a subject, simply because they were born in a place the Federal government wrongfully claims to be within it’s sole jurisdiction.

          Thereby relinquishing their sovereignty. To a corporate entity.

  9. Laura says:

    No… You came off as a douche…. Come on and grow up… I understand that the policy is ridiculous but dont be an ass to the TSA person. They are just doing their job and trying to pay their bills. They were being nice an thanked you for your service but you were just a brat.

    • Do you thank your mugger and rapist too?

    • Sam Adams says:

      So Laura, that guy in Tiananmen Square who stood up to oncoming tanks was a douche. The Red Army was just doing it’s job right? And how about that poor girl who was run over by an Israeli bulldozer while standing up for a Palestinian doctor. She’s a douche too? And every one who marched in Selma Alabama were just a huge pack of douches who deserved beatings because of their skin color just because the police were doing their jobs and trying to pay their bills. No Laura, it’s brainwashed people like you who can’t understand the concept of freedom and standing up against tyranny. So crouch down and lick the hands that feed you.

      • R says:

        The real problem here is that everyone is brainwashed. the sheeple that are the masses of teh country think that “what’s being done is being done in our best interests (bullshit) and it’s therefore legitimate and who are you to speak out against it?”

        We need to un-brainwash the entire country and that’s not going to happen anytime soon. The orders of the world that want to control it have won most of the battles and our civilization is going downhill in a hurry. We are heading towards Orwell’s idea of the future in a quick hurry with no brakes.

      • Kirsten says:

        Yes, because someone trying to make a paycheck as a security official at an airport is TOTALLY comparable to someone mowing people down with tanks. There was no reason for her to be a bitch to the lady. “I defend freedom! You don’t!” <- Bitch.

      • Glenn says:

        This country was born of rebellion. Was Paul Revere a douche because he galloped his horse through town in the middle of the night? Was Benjamin Franklin a douche when he published things insulting the British Soldiers?

  10. speedgraphic says:

    Actually, she doesn’t defend freedom either. Last time I checked no Afghanis knocked on my door looking to deprive me of it.

    • anonymouse says:

      You do realize Congress declares war, right? And members of Congress are just representatives of the people, their constituents? So she literally swore an oath to defend the constitution and its people as a career, and then a bunch of congressmen representing the people’s interests ordered her and her coworkers to war. If you’re disappointed with the decisions of congress, then write letters to your representatives, get involved in politics, etc. Blaming other people using disrespectful, self-righteous comments only exacerbates the problem.

  11. anonymous says:

    Pictures or it never happend…

  12. This is the beginning and the end says:

    TSA is trying to get authority to expand their reach (pardon the pun) to Train Stations, and to even the city streets.

    Documents Reveal TSA Research Proposal To Body-Scan Pedestrians, Train Passengers:

  13. [...] THIS GARBAGE: TSA, Radiation, and “Record-Keeping” Errors… Stephanie: “So I opted out. The TSA does not like it when you do this.” PrintEmailShare This entry was posted in link. Bookmark the [...]

  14. Jay Cunnington says:

    Thank you, Stephanie! They ARE the domestic enemy, as are the terrorists who never fly.

  15. Citizen says:

    If any part of airport security were about security then valid military ID would speed you through.

    Want to end high jackings, it’s easy, let the military, already trained in firearms use, keep their hand guns on the flight.
    If we can trust them to kill people for us in a foreign land, how are they a threat here?


  16. Intenen says:

    “Yes, *I* defend freedom! You don’t!”

    Oh boy! You american brainwashed lovely lady.

  17. Kirsten says:

    Sounds like a real jerk to me. The TSA worker is just doing their job. It’s not their fault they have to pat you down. It’s not their fault they have to follow the book. How dare they do their job when it inconveniences you, right? So what better way to respond than to insult the lady? Because I’m sure she doesn’t get enough of THAT already. The fact that you’re in the military doesn’t make you above everyone else. But it sure seems like enough to give you a big head.

    • Not their fault? They voluntarily arrive at that job every day. No one has their families hostage.
      George Donnelly recently posted..What’s your Activist Arc

    • Stephanie says:

      Yes, it is there fault. As George said, they aren’t compelled to work there and they were bitches to me first. They don’t want to have to do any extra work and the eye-rolling and sighing because they have to do their jobs would set anybody off. I was nice to the gal in San Antonio because she was polite to me.

  18. James Arnold says:

    Great work! I also am in the service, an officer in the USAF. I view these TSA thugs as domestic enemies of the Constitution. If they are not resisted now, when will we have the strength to do so?

    I resent them telling me “Thank you for your service” when I go through the checkpoints showing my military ID. I resent these thugs pulling money from the US Treasury and calling themselves federal officers.

    Therefore I have been working to arouse anger amongst the public against these personnel – they have no moral legitimacy.

    In time you will see them operating roadside checkpoints and other intrusive behavior. Mission creep.

  19. Stephanie says:

    This is the original poster here…

    @ Laura, they weren’t nice at all. They rolled their eyes when I opted out and were rude. I was patted down no less than three times during this trip, and the third time was in Texas where the TSA lady was very, very nice and I was nice back.

    @ Speedgraphic and George: While it’s true no Afghan ever called me beaner, I joined because I objected to what the Taliban were doing to women, and all my work over there pertained to the rights of women.

    @Intenen, the oath you take when joining the military specifies that it is our duty to defend the Constitution. The searches are a violation of the 4th amendment. No brainwashing involved. When I resist illegal search, I defend the Constitution. I urge all other Americans to do it.

    @Anon…sorry, no ill-advised noodz.

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Recent Comments

  • Kirsten: Yeah, because that doesn’t smack of “the unemployed should just go get a job” or anything.
  • eddi: i really don’t get the final part, exactly what do you really suggest?: )
  • Stephanie: Defending the Constitution is my job. They’re violating it.
