TSA Accosts Little Girl (Old Video with New Analysis)

by George Donnelly on November 12, 2010

Although this took place almost two years ago, we can expect more traumatized children as people opt out of the dangerous porno-scanners and are forced into the enhanced TSA groping. I won’t put my son through this. This makes me sad but let it be a lesson to us. This little girl exhibited the resistance we should all be displaying.

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Jim Huston November 12, 2010 at 10:45 am

We expend great effort to teach young children about child molesters through programs such as “Good Touch, Bad Touch”, and then we subject them to the very same treatment we teach them is bad, which can only result in turmoil for the child.

This idiocy has gone far enough; it’s time to stop pretending for the sake of political correctness that solid citizens, little kids, and old ladies are potential terrorists, and adopt the sensible, fact-based profiling techniques which have served the Israelis so well for decades.


bvwRedux November 12, 2010 at 5:32 pm

That dear child showed the intrinsic modesty we must all strive hard to regain. NO ONE SHOULD ACCEPT PAT DOWNS WITHOUT OTHER EVIDENCE OF CRIMINAL OR TERRORIST BEHAVIOR. Simply put, they are immodest. Shameful abuse of person.


concerned November 13, 2010 at 5:42 am

Idiocy indeed. It’s time to fight back against invasive searches that do little to make us safe, that intrude on our rights as citizens. Out of fear, we have ceded authority over our privacy and bodies to a government agency and its unproven tactics to ensure our collective safety. Each time some new avenue is deemed a threat (such as hiding bombs in toner cartridges), our government flaccidly responds by banning that item from traveling with us, or by invading our right to privacy with invasive scans and hand searches. Where does it end? Full cavity searches? What if a female terrorist devises a breast implant bomb? Do we then start groping women who have breast implants? It’s time to push back against invasive, over the line security measures and determine a firm line between safety and democracy.


Brooks November 13, 2010 at 10:52 pm

unreal……what are we doing to ourselves ? This is the land of the free ? Oh well , forget about individual freedoms and privacy , you “feel” safer right ? …….


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