The Young Turks report on YouTube (back in June) that the TSA has a watchlist for, among others, people that annoy them or talk back to them. Is it an enemies list? Apparently it includes your date of birth and even your social security number. Anyone have more information?

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30 Responses to TSA Has a Watchlist for Resisters?

  1. Geek Hillbilly says:

    Makes no difference anymore.No more flights for me

  2. Geoff says:

    We all knew it was a only matter of time.

    Also, this has NOTHING to do with politics! I am definitely very conservative, and have a friend who is liberal and we both agree all this is crap. To any who would try and claim that needs to be felt up and see how they like it or if they feel more “secure”

  3. les nagy says:

    Might as well sign me up for that list right now. I don’t intend to let my liberties be violated.

  4. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Masses are Stupid, Beezy, Geoff Sensel, Evan Cofsky, SubComJohn and others. SubComJohn said: RT @WeWontFly: Now: TSA Has a Watchlist for Resisters? #wontfly #tsa #fb [...]

  5. kathy williams says:

    travellers must keep a watch list of tsa . do they wear a name badge? if not ask for their name etc. keep a record of searches and scanner requests. dont let them beat you down.

  6. Denis Drew says:

    Last I heard, conspiracy to infringe First Amendment protected free speech while acting under color of law is a federal felony under the 1964 Federal Civil Rights Act. The police might as well be keep a watch list of people who don’t like Obama or Bush. One of the earliest US Supreme Court precedents (180?) forbade government to even get lists of people in political organizations for the obvious chilling effect that would have on freedom of expression.

    Any substantiated suspicion of any TSA watch list kept for even talking back to employees at the airport — especially of anti-TSA activists — should be (very publicly) reported to the FBI if only to create a chilling effect on any such skulduggery.

    I am not a lawyer.

    • concerned citizen says:

      Report to the FBI? OY! Big mistake.
      See this:

      See also this:

      And this:

      Then tell us all if the FBI is supporting free speech.
      In fact, they are the cause of this TSA crackdown, I guarantee it.

      I love the reference to the Federal Civil Rights Act, thank you that is encouraging! The problem is that the FBI and Feds are violating it left and right. The Patriot Act has everything to do with this, given its over-broad definition of terrorism which is written in such a way as to be misconstrued and to crack down on free speech (say several dozen civil liberties organizations, all in unanimous agreement. Among these are the National Lawyers Guild, the Center for Constitutional Rights, the ACLU, Bruce Fein former US deputy attorney general, and many others). Further, the Patriot Act contains actual gag orders, no kidding. Talk about conspiring to infringe on the first amendment! Why did this pass? Everyone in Congress who voted for this—-that’s 2/3 of the House and only ONE senator who voted against it (Russ Feingold)—-are all felons by that definition.

      Maybe the States will declare their independence from teh Feds and we will have a new America, no longer United States. That might be the best solution to date?

      • Denis Drew says:

        IMO, police are no match for politics. You VERY publicly report infringement of free speech to the FBI:TSA backs off. You are not that helpless.

        • concerned citizen says:

          Thank you! Love it.
          I hope you are right. I am a bit skeptical after all that I have seen being boldly and publicly declared, but you are right that transparency is a deterrent and we must spread the hope. Thank you, again love it!

          • concerned citizen says:

            PS Perhaps open letters posted to the internet are a way to go?

          • Denis Drew says:

            Cops as in the Jet Blue video always try to get away with whatever they can. Cops focus is not civil liberties (they’re human). But, you notice, when anyone challenges them knowingly they almost always back off. If not it is because they are too used to getting away with it. Cure: more of the same.

            Moral suasion works — if only people know they have the right to talk back to cops — which works as long as the cops know — right back where we started: somebody’s got to tell them.

            Me; I wouldn’t rise for the judge — you don’t have to salute the flag. :-) Not recommended for the average user — better be able to do quick constitutional footwork (helps if you’ve been on enough jail visits that doesn’t terrify you). A judge is just a working stiff lawyer at his J.O.B., not in his courtroom. PS. No big lefty radical here: prolife and usually prowar. :-)

          • NewYorkDan says:

            I would very publicly report it to the ACLU and the Center for Law, Order and Justice. And by “publicly,” I mean send letters to the editors of all major newspapers, post on blogs like this one, post to Facebook, anything you can do to be public about it. And *critical* to let the TSA know how public you are being, that you’ll continue to report their treatment of you. The squeaky wheel gets the oil.

  7. Antixngrope says:

    Maybe there are more sheeple who enjoy being scanned and probed than those that don’t and won’t put up with it. It sure seems many aren’t speaking up. Too many are afraid and week especially the ones who don’t fly. They think if it doesn’t concern them then, who cares, if they spoke up we’d have many more on the anti TSA team. Until the majority uses their voice our Government will continue to steamroll right over us.

  8. TheWall says:

    Cool! Where do I sign up?

  9. Joe Jericho says:

    “Hell no, man, no way!” I’m with that dude. And I guess they are “libs,” which I usually don’t support although I am Libertarian by nature. The point of that is that people of all political “stripes” are coming together against this crap. The government is out of control.

  10. Jay C. says:

    I have actually written the White House for clarification on whether the TSA are acting under color of law or not. If they are, do they have a Constitutional exception? If so, how does the government go about exempting itself legally? It would need to do so under Terry v. Ohio, Dumbra v. US, and at least one other 4th Amendment case. If they are merely “security guards”, does the fact that they are publicly rather than privately funded make a difference vis-a-vis searches being legal or illegal?

    There seems to be considerable confusion (which the government encourages?) whether these are “police” acting under color or law or whether they are merely security guards.

  11. Owg646 says:

    Just bought my snow tires. No flying for this guy. It will be 40 or so hours driving, return, but I will not put myself in a position to go through what they may do at the airport. Driving will be alot more dangerous, but I have to vote with my $$’s.

  12. Catherine says:

    Are we going to be on the watch list (or shit list) by subscribing to this web site? Scary thought but possible.

  13. u235sentinel says:

    Yeah well guess what.

    Most politicians AND the TSA are on MY watch list.

  14. steve says:

    Bring it on TSA and another other government entity who thinks they are above Constitutional law. Put me right at the top of your “patriot” list. I will make the founding fathers proud.

  15. concerned citizen says:

    I agree with people here who suggest that we need to put the TSA on our watchlist. IE: Track the patterns. Who are they targeting, and why? Something to take note of and expose publicly, after patterns have been established. And they will be, I can frankly see it already. The ACLU also has reported that people who have given a peep have been the ones to be the most cracked down on by TSA agents. I don’ t think that Meg McLain’s feel-up was an accident either.

  16. concerned citizen says:

    Watch Lists

    ACLU’s info about who is maintaining the so-called “terrorist” watchlists, internal practices, etc. Includes FBI audit by the ACLU: Found that the FBI nominations to terrorist watchlist are based on incomplete information, and that the updates and erasures of mistaken nominations to the list are not adequate (ie erasures don’t happen even if names on the list are eroneous).

    Very much related to those “randomly” Selected for scanning and pat-downs, if you ask me my opinion. (I am not a lawyer). ACLU’s TSA update pages

  17. Bob says:

    I have decided not to fly until the scanner are withdrawn from airports and more reasonable alternatives for security are in place. I have a timeshare which will be affected but restoring dignity at airport check points is more important at his time. I hope others who have timeshares will feel similarly and simply not fly…..

  18. Denis Drew says:

    Another freedom of speech problem with TSA is reports of them ordering parents not to say comforting words to small children being frisked. Congress shall make no law are the words the First Amendment starts out with. A decade or so ago the US Supreme Court ruled that free speech including shouting “Don’t arrest him; don’t arrest him” while a police officer was fighting and struggling with a suspect on the ground.

    “Don’t comfort him.” ??? Another federal civil rights felony? :-)

  19. Concerned cItizen says:

    Hello George, James et al

    For those interested to find out who is on the watchlist for TSA and why, the best people to consult are the ACLU. see watchlist e-dress, posted above

    The ACLU has reported to members in an email, that the TSA has definitely cracked down the most on people who have objected to the scans or pat-downs. It would seem that they are punishing and retaliating against free speech.

    Also the Center For Constitutional Rights would have information about this. or (or is it .com?)

    A clue would be who is on the no-fly list, and why.
    Interestingly/wrongfully, the FBI will not release information about who is on it, who put a person on it once they find themselves unable to fly (no prior warning given until showing up at the airport to find out), and there is almost no way to get yourself off it for something like 4 decades if I remember correctly.

    Those on the no-fly list are:

    Many activists, most of them peaceful
    Coincidentally (??) and no partisan statement intended, Democrats in public office who were vocal against the Patriot Act (Ted Kennedy, Patrick Leahy et al)
    Children and babies whose names match others on the terrorist d-base

    Read more on the ACLU’s website, enter “no-fly list” into the search box and lists, articles will come up

    There also is a link posted in the Watchlist section of the ACLU’ s site stating “unlikely suspects” and this link lists some people on the no-fly list.

    The ACLU says that the FBI determines who goes on the no-fly list and TSA maintains the list for them. But it’s the FBI agents who decide. Usually for power-based reasons:

    The ACLU has found OVERWHELMINGLY!!!! I cannot repeat that enough—-that most of the “terrorists” spied on by the FBI or accused formally as terrorists, are in fact peaceful political activists either pro-environment, anti-war and other things that stand in the way of The Agenda. THe CEnter for COnstitutional Rights echoes, and US Rep Lynn Woolsey emailed an auto-response to Patriot Act inquiries stating that peace and religious groups are on the terrorist d-base, no thanks to the Patriot ACt (Which she opposed).

    This terrorist dbase and no-fly list, each give us a clue who is likely to appear on the TSA watchlist. See the links I posted above in response to one man’s statement that we should appeal to the FBI for help (OY!!! God). These show the peaceful activists being targeted by the FBI.

  20. concerned citizen says:

    Since the ACLU has posted that it is the FBI which compiles the list of “terrorists” to go on The List, and the TSA maintains that list, then I have a feeling it is a lot more than just those who annoy the TSA who find themselves singled out at airports.

    See this list of peaceful organizations and individuals being spied on by the FBI and defended by the ACLU:

    Given the whopping evidence above that the Feds are clamping down on free speech by peaceful people who happen to stand in the way of The Agenda, I highly doubt that it is only those who annoy the TSA who will be on the Special Search List.

  21. concerned citizen says:


    “Do you prefer Fox News or Al-Jazeera? Do you attend mosque? Why? How often? What mosque? Are you Shi’a or Sunni? How do you feel about the U.S. occupation in Iraq?”

    These are questions which, according to the ACLU, are asked of people who happen to appear to be Middle Eastern (such a crime, irony intended) or who are known to be or who are Muslim, etc.

    So the watchlist also is actively involved in racial and religious discrimination, much like Nazi Germany was with the Jews. Something to really watch out for.


    (Please note too that the Center for Constitutional Rights, ACLU, Amnesty International and the Red Cross all agree that most of the Guantanamo detainees are INNOCENT! So my reference to Nazi concentration camps is deliberate and not far-fetched).

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