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33 Responses to TSA Partially Strip Searches Minor

  1. Ruth B says:

    I have a 13 year old who has a social/emotional disorder, and who would be traumatized if this happened to him. I won’t take my sensitive guy anywhere near those people who our government has illegally (per the 4th amendment) given license to search, molest, radiate, and humilate innocent people. I WON’T GIVE THEM LICENSE to do any of that to me or my children.

    • Steve says:

      My niece, who is only 14months old went through the strip-down on Saturday. My brother had to take off her socks, pants and jacket before they went through the metal detectors. The thing that really annoys me is that they were only flying from SFO to Vegas. I mean, does that even make sense!!?

  2. Aaron says:

    What kind of parent allows a stranger to do that to his kid? As soon as I knew it was going to come to that, I’d have said, in a loud, clear voice, “Fuck it. We’re not flying…”

    • Sheryl says:

      I agree with you 100% Aaron!!!!! No way anyone would EVER touch my kid like that! We all need to stand up to these idiots!!! I, personally will never fly again unless it is a medical emergency for me or my family.

    • Samuel says:

      That’s what I said! Hell no would I allow that to happen to my kid!! “Fuck this!”

  3. Who is going to pay for the EMDR or EFT necessary for this child to recover from
    the PTSD caused by this sexual abuse. How many parents have taught their children in NO uncertain terms that they were never to allow someone to “touch them inappropriately?” How many children are now going to be subconsciously
    estranged from their parents because their parents would not protect them from
    this abuse?

    Ordinarily any violent response to these attacks would be acceptable in a court
    of law, even if the violence were to seriously or mortally injure the attacker.

  4. gardenlobster says:

    Why is that “father” allowing a grown man to take his son’s clothes off, in front of everyone? Why is that agent doing it? Well, we know why. The agents aren’t trained. They live in a work culture that lacks adult supervision, gives them perceived power over and above what they have been granted by the law, and provides no consequence for their actions or recourse for those they have wronged by overstepping their authority.

    Remember stories of government agencies that were totally corrupt – kickbacks, hookers, wild parties, etc.? The TSA has quickly become one of the most morally corrupt government agencies in the US today. It’s only because they interact with the public that we get to be witnesses to it and victims of it.

    What I don’t understand is there are HUNDREDS of people around, watching this. Why didn’t anyone stop it? Do anything? If 200 people bull rush the one guy he’s powerless. This is why we have to band together. Because one may not be able to stop it but 200 or 300 individuals uniting together CAN make a difference.

    This doesn’t make me feel SAFER. I feel UNSAFE flying now. Someone I don’t know will put their hands on me without my permission or see me naked without my consent and bring back horrific memories. We are led like SHEEP to the SLAUGHTER of our RIGHTS people! WAKE UP!! This is NOT safe. You are going to be personally violated to avoid the .00000001% chance a terrorist snuck a bomb on the plane? Really?

  5. karenahaack says:

    This is so wrong in so many ways…….

  6. PJ says:

    When is someone going to arrest these perverts? Sexual assault, sexual assault of a minor, aggravated assault, etc.

    TSA sickos have been arrested before when it was just a few being perverts – now it’s all of them it’s suddenly O.K.?

  7. Buzz says:

    Nothing to see here. The kid’s obviously a terrorist.

  8. Dr Ronald E Dick says:

    Unbelievable! This doesn’t make us safer. TSA can’t possibly believe thgis child is a threat to national security. It just shows that the TSA is run by clowns. NO RESPONSIBLE PARENT WILL TOLERATE THIS.

  9. Daniel says:

    Absolutely disgusting. The TSA needs to cease to exist.

  10. Amelia says:

    This is absolutely ludicrous! This boy is obviously a minor and if that TSA agent were anyone else, he would be charged with sexual assault.

  11. Garry says:

    I guess the Terrorists have succeeded again in terrorizing U.S.A. citizens.
    This time they seem to be using our own government to do it for them.
    That’s my opinion.

  12. Heather Jackson says:

    “Only same gender officers conduct these searches”
    Yeah, that’s why a woman was standing there staring at a prepubescent little boy. Because she is clearly the same gender he is and is necessary to conduct this search.


  13. Lhyzz says:

    This makes me sick. These TSA brownshirts have no shame.

  14. Let El Al fly American routes with El Al- type security and see how many switch.

  15. Scott Hubersberger says:

    I would calmly ask to speak to the supevisor and explain to them that; while I appreciate that they are only doing their job, as a parent and abuse victim, I am not responsible for my action in watching someone traumatize my child. Not a threat by any means, but simply a reaction. I already told my wife that I would most likely go to jail. NO ONE is going to touch any of my children like that.

  16. Ken Nethelford says:

    What do I think of this ? First, I have already canceled my Christmas flight reservation to visit my family. Have car, will travel. I am not going to be strip-searched by the TSA, or sexually assaulted by them either. And the airline on which I was going to fly IS going to eat the price of the ticket, for their collusion in this outrageous state of affairs. Second, I encourage everybody who has booked a discretionary and non-emergency future flight to cancel it. Tell the airline that sold you the ticket to work it out with the TSA. When they try to coerce you into paying for the canceled flight, just say ‘no’. And don’t let them try to intimidate you. Inform them that you’re not going to submit to a government strip-search and/or public sexual assault in return for the pleasure of flying on their airline. We, the American Public didn’t create this ludicrous mess, so let’s opt out of flying. Boycott the TSA. Let’s see how long the TSA “officers” last in their ridiculous little Nazi jobs when the *customers* quit buying their *product*.

  17. Paul Hays says:

    Have the TSA guys arrested for child molestation.

  18. Sheryl says:

    Anyone who has this pat down happen to them….especially their children….should report it to the police right away and also a class action suit should be started against the airlines and security! If everyone stuck together maybe this can change.

  19. Aeronot says:

    I think the parent should be jailed and the kid put in the custody of the state.

  20. DD says:

    “Ridiculous” and “Unbelievable” but they just stand there with a camera? It’s bad enough that the parent is putting up with that shit, but a crowd full of people took it as well? So much for the people policing the government. Well done, sheep.

  21. mom says:

    Fly Naked and get rid of the TSA, or is that next??? This is a outraged! I can’t believe this is America home of the Free!

    • Jody Donnelly says:

      there is no home of the free anymore thats been gone along time ago only way we can b free is to live in the moutains pretty soon they will b taken over them too. our so faithful goverment lol.

  22. There’s a very deep level of sickness here. People need to know that sociopaths exist in every walk of life and every profession. Of course they particularly enjoy being bullies. They have no inner constraints. Therefore we have to draw the line for them. NO PORNO SCANNERS OR MOLESTING PATDOWNS.

    Incidentally, as the permanently childish, sociopaths never develop adult scientific reasoning. And we allow them to tell us the x-ray scanners are safe? How often are they checked and maintained? Do the TSA child molesters even know the danger they are putting themselves in?

  23. Barbara says:

    What is wrong with people? The biggest problem is not the TSA, though they ought to be out of business…..but we Americans. Too many are now blind to what is happening! Wake up! We won’t check illegals for proof, but we will strip and touch and use criminal pat down procedures on legal American citizens. Regardless of terrorism, once allowed, this loss of personal freedom will not be returned. The true terrorists are those who take our freedoms, in what ever name they choose to use. Make no mistake – certain elements of the government are out to take every freedom we have. We should be very afraid and stand up and be counted!

  24. Shannon says:

    I have plans to fly to Ireland to spend Christmas with family there. I am very seriously considering cancelling the flight, even if it means I eat the $5000 I spent on tickets for myself, my husband and my two kids. I cannot even imagine allowing a complete stranger to grope me or to see my naked body on those scanners, much less allow my children to undergo that. I will go to jail before I will let anyone touch my kids. I can’t believe there are not more people standing up against this. It’s a clear violation of the 4th amendment and the first step down a slippery slope where we have no right to privacy at all. If we are forced to allow the government to touch our genitals, what the hell is next? Probing of bodily cavities?

    • gardenlobster says:

      Remember, if you do decide to go, you will only have to go through it once. Only from the airport from which you leave the States, as long as you don’t leave the secure area in any layovers. On your way back you won’t have to worry about it at all, and the airport personnel are actually very polite.

  25. Jody Donnelly says:

    everybody should get over it. I aint saying that its the rite thing but i rather have it done then have another disaster like 9/11 they are doing this to protect us from another problem. i guess everybody will be fine with it when another plane gets taken over or goes kaboom.

  26. Amy says:

    I think every TSA agent who physically touches anyone should have their photo posted online. Maybe we can register these people as sex offenders on our own. Once their photos and privacy are violated maybe they will think twice. Also if you own a business near an airport you should refuse service to any TSA official and their family until they stop molesting children and adults. The pilots are no longer being groped soon the flight attendants will be excluded as well. We can win if we make the TSA official’s lives VERY uncomfortable.

  27. Amy says:

    People who will sacrifice liberty for safety deserve neither. At what point would the pat downs, searches, harrasment, and threats go to far for you?

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