How is that critics of the TSA keep finding their names on the TSA watchlist? Big Sis will swear up and down it’s not retaliation, but that strains credulity.

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13 Responses to Orwellian TSA Puts CNN Reporter on “Watchlist”

  1. LCap says:

    It wasn’t so long ago that we shook our heads in disgust as the Soviet Union did these vary things to their citizens. Oops, I just ended up on a list somewhere, didn’t I?

  2. Jim Babb says:

    The reference near the end scares me. “This will get better when the TSA assumes responsibility for matching names.” What’s really happening here? Will we be seeing the TSA for our permission slips to fly instead of getting a boarding pass from the airline?

    • It seems that anything this agency touches or does is in direct violation of the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights. I wonder what is so institutional in this agency (and DHS) or even in the executive branch itself for the past several administrations, that is causing nearly everything they do to fight against our liberties?

      • Jim Babb says:

        That is the nature of government. It can’t act without violating someones rights. It’s very existence depends on theft and it serves no purpose other than to transfer wealth and power to the elites. The TSA is just a the highly visible tip of the iceberg.

  3. LeRoy Trusty says:

    I taught aviation for a number of years and in one class I had a student that spent over 20 years in the Coast Guard flying helos for rescue. He retired and flew for a company but every time he would show up at the airport he would have to go through the drill and on a few occasions told he could not fly.
    I met a young couple that had a child of about 4 years old but every time they were to travel to see the inlaws they would have to battle the watch list because their son was a terrorist and was told that once.
    Had another student that was active in the military and even in uniform and on government orders either delayed or denied flight. And his name was as american as apple pie.

  4. Jim DeLaHunt says:

    I think this CNN story dates from July 2008. See

    The reference to “TSA assumes responsibility for matching” names probably refers to the so-called “Secure Flight” program, which started rolling out in 2009 and became fully active on Nov 1, 2010. See

    You still get your boarding pass from the airline, and now as before a computer checks the reservation’s name against a watch list; but before, the airline’s own computers performed this check, while now the TSA’s computers do the check on request from the result to the airline’s computers.

    At least that’s my outsider’s understanding of what’s going on; I may be mistaken.

    By the way, note that in July 2008, Obama wasn’t president and Napolitano wasn’t running DHS. This insanity has been building for nearly 10 years, under both parties. No-one in this thread has claimed otherwise, but some in other threads do so.

  5. TN Granny says:

    It isn’t about safety; it is about harassing the American public and making up submit to the authorities.

  6. Holly Andrews says:

    My son was on the no fly list at 14. We were trying to go to Disney and went through the same thing. His name is Jacob Adams. We were told by the TSA that his first name was too “biblical” and his last name is a popular “fake last name that a terrorist might use.” Have there ever been terrorists using John Smith or the like? He is stuck on this list for life now. He was even asked if he was in the military. At 14?????? What are they thinking?

  7. Micki Arriza says:

    Their is no common sense applied by TSA. Some of us have medical reasons why we cannot scan nor pat down. Americans should not be humiliated by their own government. I will not be able to fly until this policy is changed. Please keep it in the public forum, I notice its not regularly on the national news any longer!

  8. [...] do this. Big Sis claims their takeover will result in fewer cases of mistaken identity, such as the CNN reporter who turned up on a watchlist after criticizing the [...]

  9. Christian Dignity says:

    @Jason Robinson-Do some research on Kay Griggs. Not the my space site. There are 8 hrs of live interviews available that tell exactly where this treachery and tyranny is coming from. Add to that people in Army Intelligence like General Michael Aquino (ret.) who combined their military service with serving Satan- yes really. He was in charge of Psyops, and this sexual molestation of the American public has psyops written all over it.

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