AP reports that the TSA busted Montel Williams for carrying a pipe commonly used to smoke marijuana (see below). They’ll copy credit cards, rummage through your stuff and tell your husband you’re taking his money, interrogate you about $5K in cash you have on you, and now they’re pretending to be the DEA?! The TSA is like the new secret police. They’ll go through your stuff without any legal right and get you in trouble for the most harmless and ordinary of items. Had enough yet?

Wisconsin authorities say former talk show host and medical marijuana activist Montel Williams has been cited for possession of drug paraphernalia at General Mitchell International Airport in Milwaukee.

The Milwaukee County sheriff’s office says the Transportation Security Administration found Williams had a pipe commonly used for marijuana as he passed through a security checkpoint Tuesday.

The sheriff’s office says Williams paid the $484 citation and was released to continue his travel.

Williams has said he uses marijuana to relieve chronic pain caused by multiple sclerosis that was diagnosed in 1999. The 54-year-old has said he became an activist pushing for medical marijuana laws after being stopped at a Detroit airport years ago for carrying drug paraphernalia.

Messages left Tuesday for his attorney, Nina Shaw, were not immediately returned.

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31 Responses to TSA Busts Montel Williams for Marijuana Pipe

  1. Russ Stein says:

    That’s really amazing because when I exposed one of the TSA’s top DC spokesmen as a big pothead the TSA refused to even respond to my questions. https://j.mp/bIqhRM I assumed their lack of interest was due to their role as solely a travel security agency, not a general law enforcement agency. If they’re gonna start making national news out of personal use weed busts, however, then the hypocrisy issue is definitely back on the table.

    • Emily says:

      Hypocrisy? In my government?! The other arms of Big Brother really aren’t much different. Most of those that work for the DEA know their job is, in essence, a joke; they know the ‘war on drugs’ continues to accomplish nothing in terms of actually stopping drug trafficking and the like.

      I seem to remember another branch of the government (starts with a C, I believe) that was involved with some ostensibly vile Nicaraguan militia, also connected with illegal drug trafficking. Funny how a pattern has developed over the years. Who was it that said, “Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it”?

      Remember folks, the feds not only use your hard earned tax dollars to fund all kinds of projects that are absolutely not in your best interest (especially if you’re the type that likes to live, Morgellons anyone?), they also use money from the drugs they say they’re fighting so hard to keep away from your kids! – whilst helping to funnel said drugs into a neighborhood near you. Aah, democracy and capitalism at its finest. Don’t beleive it? Do a little research.

  2. Jacob says:

    How sad. My neighbor and his wife both struggle with MS (they met at an MS support group). Leave this man alone for gods sake! MS is an awful, debilitating disease and Montel just wants to smoke a little herb to feel better.
    Making people believe the state can be compassionate is one of the greatest tricks the state has ever pulled. More people are waking up to this lied I hope.

  3. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by JaytheBigLug. JaytheBigLug said: Stupid, stupid famous person… RT @WeWontFly Now: TSA Busts Montel Williams for Marijuana Pipe https://bit.ly/hM5imi #fb [...]

  4. robertsgt40 says:

    Shades of Tommy Chong. It’s a racket folks. “Free to go after posting $484″. Obviously, he wasn’t too big a threat to society. Do you realize how much the federales would lose in revenue if pot was legalized? Those in the know understand pot wasn’t outlawed because it’s a narcotic. It’s value was in its commercial use in manufacturing. It made paper, clothes, sails, books, rope etc. The rise of synthetics spelled its doom. DOW and others didn’t want the competition. Boom, illegal. In the thirties “Reefer Madness”(propaganda film) came out demonizing pot and its uses. The rest is history.

  5. The Witness says:

    So wimpy are these ‘leaders’. They give the wealthy a free pass. They feed on the sick and the weak. They are not men. They will be Judged. Wake up and open your eyes to see what real evil looks like. It is not so tough. It just seems that way because it is smart enough to avoid the strong that will put an end to its charade when it gets within grabbing reach. But one day… one day… is all it will take. And we will be free from this mentally retarded hell.

  6. Jackie Collins says:

    OK folks.Gimme some seeds. I know that most of the gov’t officials across the board, in every Agency smoke dope. It’s what permits all of them to continue to legislate their crazy laws. Irony, you bet, Yeah, gimme some seeds.

  7. snakemeister says:

    I know it’s easy for me to say but Montel should have refused to pay the fine and gone to jail.If he wants to be a spokesman for legal pot he passed on a chance to make a REAL statement being he’s a high profile person.He would have had a chance to challenge these paraphernalia laws.He has the money to do so.
    As far as the paraphernalia business, that can be attached to anything-you can use a coke can to smoke pot. I’m sure that pipe he had could have been used to smoke tobbaco too. It seems these paraphernalia laws are a catch all when our “finest” can’t catch you with anything else.They should be struck down as being too vague.

  8. bammy says:

    the TSA should just label them selves honeslty… TSA = DEA. they even admit they have caught ZERO terrorist, but find small amounts of drugs. good by constitution.

  9. vibius says:

    For anyone keeping count:
    Circuit City – 1 terrorist caught
    TSA – No terrorists caught

  10. john says:

    simply it is about control………..big Government control……………. come listen to https://www.themicroeffect.com at 0800 central/0900 eastern and learn what the lamestream media does not want u to know!

  11. renee hartman says:

    It’s not enough that TSA gropes, fondles, sexually abuses, women,
    children, disabled people, and men too. It’s not enough that they
    scream at, threaten, mentally, verbally, emotionally abuse women,
    men, children, and disabled people. It’s not enough that they steal
    from, lie to, and lie about the passengers. It’s not enough that they
    play all sorts of head games with passengers. It’s not enough that
    they make up rules that they know damn well don’t exist, break the
    law right and left. It’s not enough that they threaten illegal fines,
    and arrest passengers where they have NO authority to do so.
    And physically abuse passengers as well. It’s not enough that
    they ILLEGALLY rifile thru passengers personal belongings,
    phtocopying their credit cards and other personal documents.
    Now these blue shirted THUGS dare to presume to think that
    they have the authority of the Drug Administration??!!

    ABOLISH the TSA!!!

  12. acudoc says:

    The real agents of terror throughout history have always been the institutions known as nation states. The sooner people realize the predatory nature of the nation state—in any form, whether democracy, dictatorship, republic, empire, it doesn’t matter—the sooner can mankind evolve social institutions that benefit the individual in as yet unimagined ways. At this point anarcho-capitalism in a world of city-states looks like the best solution to me.

    Busting a man for having a pipe—this is the ludicrousness that always arises in the bureaucracy of nation states! Meanwhile the United States bombs innocents in the Middle East and its citizens scratch their collective heads and wonder why do the “terrorists” hate us so? Perhaps for our cluelessness!

  13. Lost Hope For AMERICA says:

    Just another bogus law to shakedown the Public for money….over a plant!
    A stinking plant! America…it’s OK to kill Arab people in their own country but, don’t you dare smoke a plant! Zionists Jews can steal money, land, politicians, kill at will, but you have to pay them if, you smoke a plant!

    Zionists are followers of Satan.
    The Vatican is a follower of the Satanic principles.
    Great Britain Jewish bankers own and control America.

    Losers condemn the smoking of a plant! Losers will always not have any control over their lives because, they believe EVERYTHING they are told. PERIOD.

  14. Lastword says:

    I feel so much safer now.

  15. Maik says:

    good story…educational as opposed to brainwashing misinformation…


  16. Winston says:

    WTF is the danger of a pot pipe to the airplane. I thought they were supposed to look for bombs. I hate the way this country is now, it’s a freaking prison.

  17. NewYorkDan says:

    I don’t use marijuana, and even I am offended by this!! How does this reflect the TSAs stated goal of preventing terrorism in the sky? It does not. “Give us $484 and we’ll let you fly. Otherwise we’ll have you arrested.” Blackmail.

    • concerned citizen says:

      New York Dan, thank you for coming out and saying it! “Blackmail”. That’s right!

      Not only in this case, but on a widespread basis. Try this:

      “Either you let me er, feel you up or you go through the nuker reported by Congressman Rush Holt to emit more than 20x the industry-claimed amount of radiation, while I check out your naked body. If you refuse both, then you must pay $11,000 and be escorted out the airport. No you cannot leave the airport on your own; if you try we will hold you hostage and interrogate you as a terrorist”.

      Well if that isn’t, er, virtual gunpointing (not merely blackmail) then I don’t know what is.

      I hope to see this talking point in lawsuits everywhere, everywhere. These Feds are criminals and they brag about their virtues while fondling the testacles of 3-year-olds and simultaneously going on a computerized pedophile hunt. Meanwhile the Red Cross reported that more than 50% of the Guantanamo detainees were innocent, the ACLU and Center for Constitutional Rights said they were turned in for bounty, and more than 75% of them were released! So much for the “need” for “Security” and “keeping us safe” (read: sexual molestation at virtual gunpoint) eh? Crimes, crimes, crimes on top of more crimes.


      When will the masses wake up???

      Please post widely to other blogs, write to college newsletter editors (because the kids help to wake up their parents) and let’s shake these ignorant people by the collar! Time to bust through the nonsense and let the truth see the light of day! Thank you all for your motivated help and concern, sure appreciate everybody here.

  18. exasperated says:

    The stasi gestapo they’ve inflicted on amerika harassing people at their best. The phony drug war where all the bankers launder the profits and their federal cancer takes the fines for using the poducts they import. Just leave people alone you fugging parasitic cancer on the USA.

  19. Mr Ray says:

    Alcohol and hemp oil were used as fuel by farmers (and others) up until the prohibitions. Not so much after.

  20. Steve Gulla says:

    TSA-THE SUICIDE OF AMERICA. WHAT a bunch of candy ass looser groper retched scum sucking vermon brainless pieces of decayed corexit soaked monkey meat. I Have M/S Everbody knows Montel does. NUKE EARTH START OVER. What a looser planet this is. TSA and Earthlings…LOSERS LOSERS LOSERS…

  21. Sui Juris 249 says:

    Here is the crux of the problem. You have a supposed Law that says that a vice is a crime. Yet vices can not be a crime. I suggest you read Lysander Spooners Vices are not Crimes in order to understand just what is and what is not a crime according to real law. https://lysanderspooner.org/node/46 and when your done with that read about the job of a jury, and how these pseudo-laws can easily be dealt with by Jury Nullification.

    Wake up America Wake up and start educating yourselves as to the difference between real law and pseudo-law.

  22. judy hulsey says:

    Proof of TSA agents IQ…when you piss off all the public, the public stops flying, the airlines go out of business, and then who’s unemployed??
    Double Duh!!

  23. rachel says:

    The truly sad thing is that this has been going on for so long and you ignorant masses still just whine and do nothing.

    Ok thats it, back to your idiot boxes fat asses.

  24. Lasereye says:

    Another example of, “give the corptocracy an inch and they’ll take away your freedoms”. Remember the beginning of Social Security – people were concerned about using it against us to invade our privacy to track us. The government swore then your SS number would not be used for ID. It was even spelled out on your SS Card “not to be used for ID” back then. Now look at where we are at today! Not only tracked in detail but poked and tasered like cattle. Mooooo! This will not stand – it’s time to poke and taser and confront this enslaving corptocracy and return our government to for-and-by-the-people. All this seemed to accelerate when corporate entities were given human rights by the Supreme Court. There’s one big difference between a corporation and a human being – the corporation never dies! Guess who ends up becoming the master, owning everything, and who becomes the slave in the long run? It looks like the finish line is in sight and it looks like we are the losers!

  25. American Patriot says:

    GOOD FOR THEM!!! Just another pothead that thought he was above the law and because he was a hotshot could break the law.
    One pothead on a flight (or anywhere else) is one too many.

  26. Tom Hyland says:

    The big question here is WHY is marijuana illegal at all? Congress voted for its illegality in 1937 because it would have injured the profits of William Randolph Hearst, the newspaper baron. Invented in 1935, the Decorticator, was the scientific breakthrough that would cheaply process hemp into paper. The devise was unveiled on the front cover of the June 1935 issue of Modern Invention as the “miracle machine” and hemp was forecast as “America’s first billion dollar crop.” In over 70 years since the criminalization of marijuana most people are entirely unaware that hemp was once an integral commodity that helped build this nation. Both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are penned upon hemp paper. The sails of ships, the ropes that hoisted them into place, and the canvas of the covered wagons were made of hemp. The first Levis were woven from this fiber, which was the major crop grown by Washington, Jefferson, and every other farmer who planted this basic staple of existence. However, William Randolph Hearst produced newspapers and was heavily invested in the sulfuric-pulp process that makes trees into paper. He owned forests, too. He supplied his own businesses with paper and sold paper to other companies across the country. This invention had him very worried so he personally began writing propaganda essays in his papers decrying marijuana as a public health menace that turns normal people into ax-wielding mass murderers. Andrew Mellon, much wealthier than Hearst and also an investor in the sulfuric-pulp paper industry, was the Secretary of the Treasury at the time. Mellon was also chairman of the Mellon Bank, which was the main source of finance for DuPont Chemical, which held the patent on the sulfuric acid wood-pulping process. And DuPont had just invented nylon and rayon and they never wanted to see another rope made from hemp ever again. Mellon was instrumental in creating a new government agency called the Bureau of Narcotics and he placed Harry Anslinger, married to Mellon’s niece, as its first director. Anslinger testified before Congress, reading actual Hearst-written articles, about how this dangerous weed drives people insane and turns them into violent animals. Doctors and scientist’s testimony contradicted Anslinger’s when they provided proven studies that marijuana actually causes users to become quite serene and contemplative. Anslinger then reversed his angle of attack completely and said, “Marijuana causes its users to become so peaceful and pacifistic that in the future American boys will not want to fight in our wars.” Congress voted and marijuana has been illegal ever since. The former governor of New Mexico, Gary Johnson, once said… “If you’re smoking pot the only thing you’re likely to attack is a bag of potato chips.” In over 80% of violent crimes, alcohol abuse is a primary ingredient. And here’s a bit more info regarding this pulp-sulfide paper making process…. the amount of fiber harvested from one acre of hemp, which takes only one season to grow, is equal to the amount harvested from five acres of trees that take 50 or more years to grow. The sulfide-pulp process is one of the leading contributors to our green-house atmosphere and acid rain problems, while the Decorticator hemp-process adds nothing at all. It is long past time that we legalize hemp, we legalize marijuana, and get over this ridiculous policy that has created half the population of our jails. More than half of the people jailed in America are there because of non-violent drug use and/or sales.

  27. Deali says:

    You get what you asked for.

    Top security with Napolitano and friends.

    You people live in the biggest democracy on earth! Therefore Gates is still Sec. of Defence!

    So why do you go and vote?

    The US will collapse very soon!


  28. rotorman says:

    Montel has always had ill health and even before MS. I think it is very cruel to arrest him for the paraphernalia and not even the drugs!

  29. Share private ownership of small jets to bypass TSA, or even acquiring land to build entirely privately owned airfields and start training your own pilots? I stopped flying ages ago, just couldnt stand the red tape or the supercilious and even downright rude attitudes at the airport. They only exist because there are consumers, lets take ourselves off the consumer map and make them jobless.

    Meanwhile as private airports re being built, boycott the government airports with TSA until they close down (no business) and use roads meanwhile. I don’t think the US government will start TSA on highways or that the American public will tolerate it, so you can carry along all the stuff you need in your car.

    When those private airports are built, remember to not become like TSA.

    Please check the pictures section on my nick/link as well. I think USA has a slightly less than democratic system with Governors that lack Term Limits amongst other things. Also take seriously the HAARP / Satellite EMF / G.W.E.N. tower proble in USA too. I may not live there but why are American citizens not aware of anything going on?

    Run for candidacy on democratic principles and throw out both Republican and Democrat! They are the ones who caused the TSA, that will eventually cover highways or lapse into Tolled Highways as well.

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