Downsize DC mounts congressional letter-writing campaigns and now they have one for us! You’ll have to register with them first and then you’ll be able to send a message to your senators and congressperson. Personally, I think it’s useless for anybody but corporations and large non-profits to lobby congress. But it’s important to resist tyranny on all fronts simultaneously. (It wears them down faster.) And Downsize DC only requires a few minutes of your time.

Register here:

Then write your message and send it here: Downsize DC – Don’t Touch My Junk!

Here’s my letter:


You claim to represent me but I never appointed any representatives to this thing you call congress. Anyway, here goes:

What the TSA is doing is offensive and, most importantly perhaps, ineffective. It does not make us safer. It does not detect the kind of explosive used by the underwear bomber (which prompted the purchase of these machines). The risk of dying from the scanner radiation is equal to the risk of dying in a terrorist attack. That’s just stupid.

Even more worrying is the failure of TSA agents to observe basic cleanliness. They should be changing gloves and washing their hands between pat downs. The risk of spreading contagion is worrisome indeed.

The responsibility for this boondoggle rests on your head. I am holding you personally responsible for all of this nonsense. I don’t care what your laws say. You are personally responsible.

The TSA is structurally incapable of responding effectively to the threat. It’s David vs. Goliath, the Viet Cong against the US Army. Are you guys unable to learn from history? The solution is to decentralize and allow people to vote with their dollars.

5 Responses to Downsize DC Sends your Letter to Congress For You

  1. Dawnie Rotten says:

    Not ONE mention of YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS?????? Why is that?

    They ONLY way we’re going to get rid of this TSA bullshit is to DEMAND that our Constitutional/Civil Rights are UPHELD! PERIOD! The End!

    No need to bring up “health concerns”, “cleanliness” (changing gloves) or anything fkn else.

  2. Mike K says:

    Sorry can’t support the Downsize DC website. They don’t represent my views on the majority of issues.

    • So you only take free stuff from organizations with whom you agree in the majority? I’m impressed! I simply don’t have the time to do the due diligence required to find out what the majority of organizations’ views are.

      Downsize DC enables anyone to write a letter to congress critters on a range of topics with a minimum of fuss and for free. I see no point in quibbling.

  3. Felicia hardy says:

    It is never useless to write a letter. Now, more than ever, a letter carries extra weight because most American people will simply email (easily deleted) or do nothing but a letter is a physical representation that your ire and dissatisfaction transcends your inherent laziness. This country has become too lazy and beaten up by big government to even bother anymore and that is the most frightening aspect of this whole situation.
    Our 4th amendment rights are being violated, the TSA screeners are spreading germs among passengers and yet they are not even protected from excess radiation themselves. The airports are being told they must install these devices that are easily bypassed and fooled at the taxpayers’ expense in order to catch terrorists and keep the population safe but these were simply un-researched statements made a long time ago and the people behind this are too arrogant and stubborn to admit they made a gross miscalculation and it is time to go back to the drawing board.
    Like Wile E. Coyote, the US government has strapped us all to an Acme rocket to catch “terrorists” but we all know how these cartoons end…

  4. Tiffany from Austin,TX says:

    PLEASE WRITE!!! I don’t get on many soap boxes, but our government is a democracy and it’s supposed to be FOR the people, BY the people. Please do not just accept what’s ‘inevitable’. If you do not agree, SAY SO! If we can’t stand up for our rights at home, how can there be any hope for societies with real problems? (rape, AIDS, stonings…) Each and every voice has more power than you think. DO NOT let anyone tell you to just go along, stand up for your rights. This is what our country was built on! I think our Fore-fathers would have issue with what is going on today.

    Also: from personal observation, I’m finding that the people complaining about government issues a few years ago, were actually right! I thought, no, they are exaggerating….Well, The predications they made, came to light! I cannot stand idly by hoping this goes away and let this get worse. I will not allow that. So, please, we don’t have to agree, but at least take a stance and make your voice heard!!!!

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