"We cannot start this conversation with what we'd like TSA to do. We have to start with what Al Qaeda would like to do. We know Al Qaeda wants to blow up planes," he said.
Former Department of Homeland Security Assistant Secretary for Policy Stewart Baker

The TSA goon squad is not powered by backscatter scanners or congressional budgets. It’s powered by FEAR. And that’s what Stewart Baker is peddling.

I found Stewart on Facebook. Facebook is a real societal leveler that way. And I sent him this message.


Was it you who said to Congress yesterday or today that Al Qaeda wants to blow up planes? Because I have a question.

Do you actually have any evidence of this?

At first that may seem like a crazy question with an obvious answer. But it’s not.

Just because someone did something in the past doesn’t mean they want to do it again. Have you considered that they have evolved their tactics?

If that’s true then all activity fed by this fear of airplane attacks could just be a new maginot line.

So that’s why I want to know if you actually have any evidence of your claim.


One Response to GOP: TSA scanners ‘thoroughly useless’

  1. Tim says:

    Good luck getting that answer. You might have better luck, finding a TSA employee willing to admit that he enjoys playing with nutsacks, belonging to small children and geriatric old farts.

Recent Comments

  • Kirsten: Yeah, because that doesn’t smack of “the unemployed should just go get a job” or anything.
  • eddi: i really don’t get the final part, exactly what do you really suggest?: )
  • Stephanie: Defending the Constitution is my job. They’re violating it.
