I applaud the speedo activist. He is making a point in a peaceful way that only threatens the mountain of lies called “TSA”. Notice how these people do not allow themselves to be constrained by the law. They lie to him about what the law is. They repeatedly violate his right to videotape the proceedings. They bring the JetBlue corporation into their little scheme. Finally, he is denied the ability to complete his contract with the JetBlue airline. JetBlue even bans him for life from doing business with them!

This is just the latest example of corporate and state agents collaborating to screw over peaceful individuals. It is evil. It must stop. The speedo activist presented no threat. How ridiculous! These actions were purely punitive. If the thugs were worried about security, they would welcome people who voluntarily stripped. But this is security theater and they can not afford to be exposed or embarrassed further.

I am banning the JetBlue corporation from ever seeing the inside of my wallet until such time as they make proper restitution to the speedo activist. I urge you to do the same.

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20 Responses to TSA + Police + JetBlue Conspire Against Peaceful Individual at JFK

  1. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Emerald and adam, We Won't Fly. We Won't Fly said: Now: TSA + Police + JetBlue Conspire Against Peaceful Individual at JFK https://bit.ly/f5ToWb #wontfly #tsa #fb [...]

  2. concerned citizen says:

    Whatever happened to government transparency?
    What’s this business about not being allowed, by law supposedly, to photograph or film a checkpoint? These people care so much about the writ of law that they have no regard whatsoever for the spirit of it. An increasingly (un)- American trend, alas. This is the fall of our country, right there.

    Of course there are laws about indecent exposure but then again, what of the duplicity with TSA groping peoples’ groins in public, yet they tell this man that “there are women and children here” ? The nerve!

    For the rest, their attitude is clear and their motives are plain when they say “he is trying to garner publicity” or some wording similar to that. Their jeering him with “Do you really think you are that man who is going to make all the difference” is tell-tale indeed. They are just plain cowards afraid of being exposed in their wrong-doings. Well as they should be.

    The protestor was absolutely polite and cooperative. This response from the (Port Authority? TSA for sure and Jetblue) is baloney. Point well made, and well done!

    • Anonymous says:

      Seems the way to go is to bait the TSA into making fools of themselves and getting it on film.
      And they fell right into the trap!
      Keep it up, folks. This is the way to go, and to keep going.
      You can bet that they will confiscate, redact, deny filming powers, etc but that is only part of the evidence against them. Keep going, and chin up! Post redacted material to the web, expose any acts of censorship, and keep logs on websites to build evidence against them..then let’s file class action lawsuits! Haha! They are digging their own grave. Publicly.

    • concerned citizen says:

      PS I have an idea.

      Let’s all virally cross-post this video with the link to this website, to blogs everywhere. And plug for the following, while we are at it:

      A) If Jetblue is going to ban fliers for the crime of indecent exposure, then they need to be consistent in their policy.

      B) That being the case, Jetblue must ban all TSA agents from groping and patting down people in public, or in private. And must punish them according to their crimes.

      We must insist that the TSA pat-downs and gropings “will not fly” with Jetblue. (And all other airlines. But specifically Jetblue in this case, for obvious reasons after watching the video above).

      C) Let’s post open letters to the internet to this effect, linking the above video and this site. If Wewontfly has 2000 + twitter followers, then that’s 2000+ reads.Plus the people they forward it to.

      D) Post a request to your open letter with the above video linked to it: Ask readers to virally distribute the letter and video all over the web. Ask them to post it to blogs, send it to underground internet radio shows, send it to college newsletter editors (who will print this kind of thing where the mainstream will refuse it, and report about the video’s contents), and grant written reprint permission for your open letter.

      E) Ask that readers email the letter/video, virally.

      Given reprint permission and a request to seed the message around the web, people will. People need to feel empowered and effective, and here is one way to help that cause along.

      I am not affiliated with WeWontFly nor do I work for them, or know the people. I am only an avid supporter of the cause because I care about American freedom.

      Pens, ahoy?

    • Av8R says:

      The reason why TSA won’t allow you to photograph their checkpoint is because it is a clandestine, but nonetheless, de-facto MILITARY checkpoint, and America has not figured out YET that we are under partial MARTIAL LAW here. Look, we are either under Constitutional Law or Martial Law… I’m pretty sure it’s not Constitutional……
      Av8R recently posted..It Takes 3000 People to Make the President Go RoundMy ComLuv Profile

      • NewYorkDan says:

        But IF we are under martial law, don’t they have to notify us? They have not done so. So one way or another, these actions are illegal and the lies unconscionable. And since these goons are not getting arrested (in fact they are aided by the police), one can only conclude that the TSA is not a rogue government agency gone amok, but the face of something much worse. The American people have exchanged their liberty for security, but wound up with neither.

  3. mechgogo says:

    This kid has a pint waiting for him in Minneapols. Ok, a case could be made that he never intended to fly anywhere and that all he ever intended was to stage a protest but last I checked that was his right under the constitution. I especially loved the cops trying to tell him “You can’t be half naked in public” and “You’re probably gonna get a visit from the FBI if you put this up on youtube.” The first is demonstrably false. You can go to any beach in America and see people walking around like he was dressed. In fact, according to this website https://www.nudist-resorts.org/statutes.htm what he was doing was not in violation of the New York definition of indecent exposure.

    The second was government harassment and intimidation of a citizen attempting to exercise their Constitutional rights. I hope somebody at the cops precinct recognizes him and busts his ass.

  4. Michael says:

    I fear as time progresses civilians (not citizens) will begin to be tazed and beaten into compliance by the TSA and other jackbooted thugs! You can hear it in the officer’s voice that he wants to commence ass whoopins right then. Kudos on your brass balls for doing what you’ve done.

  5. Edward says:

    After travelling by airline a great deal over the years, we’ve devised a simple solution.

    If we can’t drive there, we don’t go there. It’s just not worth all the hassle.

  6. LCap says:

    Anyone else find it disturbing that halfway into the video you can see several TSOs with their cell phones out taking pics & video? They left their stations to laugh at the passenger. They left their stations to take cell phone pics to undoubtedly post on the internet later. Shouldn’t they be… oh, I don’t know… providing SECURITY, or at least pretending to do something important? So much for the “professionalism” they all say they’ve got. They’re acting like third graders instead of like the professional security forces the government claims they are. Ridiculous.

    Terrorists just need to create a diversion with a guy in his shorts or two grandmas with some yogurt. All the TSOs will be too busy snapping pics and texting their friends to bother with a real threat.

  7. Brian Hall says:

    Clearly, all the actions of the TSA and the Port Authority personnel and the Jet Blue “officials” were directed against the opinions of this passenger and had nothing to do with security. This is a violation of his 1st Amendment right to express an opinion (rather mildly expressed) that he disagreed with the TSA screening process. Refusing to allow him to buy a ticket by a public carrier engaged in interstate commerce also violates other provisions of the Constitution. He made no threats, and posed LESS than the usual security risk since he clearly wasn’t carrying a weapon. Anyone could cause a disruption on the plane and if your intent was to do so, you would probably go quietly through the screening in order to get on the plane in the first place. There was no grounds for arrest and there was no violation of TSA policies. So why was he denied his flight? Because he has an opinion that TSA doesn’t like. I share his opinions regarding TSA (as do most of the people on this website) so I guess I should be denied access to flying. Fortunately I intend to avoid flying anywhere if possible until this security nightmare is ended, so I won’t get the opportunity to find out.

  8. lex says:

    It’s clear he’s wearing a swim suit. Are they illegal in the airport? Is there a sign that says no shirt, no shoes – no service? Well, not no shoes. His clothes went through the x-ray. I don’t get it.

  9. concerned citizen says:

    Hello friends
    I have a concern which I want to share. And FYI nobody has to agree with me, so for whatever it is worth, here it is:

    While we must obviously protest the wrong-doings and lawbreaking of the TSA, and while protesting by not flying is a smart strategy (hit the pocketbook and you will get results)….

    There is also another side to it.

    That is, it is clear to me that the Feds are trying hard to restrict our freedom of travel. If we stop flying, they have won a big victory.

    I base this assertion of their controls on our travel, on the fact that the Feds previously tried to pass CAPPS II, the passenger airline profiling un-American law, whihc was struck down by the airlines previously.

    NExt the ACLU emailed members that an electronic stun bracelet was being proposed by the Feds, to be worn by all US Travelers.

    That too “Did not fly”.

    So now they came up with this current scenario. And so many Americans are begging for it, calling it “Security”.

    This marks the beginnings of outright dictatorship and we had better be alert to all that this means. Unfortunately we in the USA are so accustomed to our freedoms that we can’t believe anybody who blows whistles about this. They will be written off as paranoid or conspiracy theorist.

    It is the *innocent* and *unsuspecting* among us who make such claims. The *experienced* and *informed* among us know better.

    The day could come when we will be frisked for leaving our doorsteps. Or for boarding a bus. Including just for going to work. It doesnt’ stop there, power knows no boundaries. Be forwarned, and above all please get others convinced that this TSA airport matter has got to go.

    Let’s post to many blogs and cross-seed articles/videos all around the web. A picture is worth a thousand words. Thanks!

  10. Rhy says:

    You know the most chilling parts of this to me?

    1) The TSA’s website says you can film as long as your filming doesn’t interfere with checkpoint process.

    In this and other videos what you see is this…The TSA reps obviously don’t LIKE it that he’s filming. And THEY badger him to turn it off, even though there’s nothing about the filming that’s causing interferences. Furthermore they refuse to let him proceed until he turns off the camera.

    This suddenly makes the filming into a problem, doesn’t it? Which means it’s suddenly not allowed. But it’s the TSA agents that are making it into a problem, the filming alone isn’t a problem.

    2) Is wearing a bathing suit in an airport “illegal” or “indecent exposure”?

    No. It’s not so far as anyone can tell. And neither the TSA and the police seem to know it. Or, if they DO know it, they don’t CARE if it’s legal or not, they want to force the protester to put his clothes back on by being confrontational and stalling him.

    The protester asks, “Am I required by law to put my clothes back on?”
    The male cop says, “…Yes, I am telling you, yeah!”
    The female cop says, in an irritated tone of voice, “A law enforcement official is telling you to put your clothes back on!”

    Um, I’m sorry, what? It doesn’t work that way. It’s either against the law or it isn’t. If it is not against the law I don’t HAVE stop doing it just because a law enforcement official tells me to.

    Being a law enforcement official means you have the authority to enforce the laws and procedures of law. You’re supposed to know what those are and act in accordance with them. Your WORD doesn’t become law, ESPECIALLY when it CONTRADICTS the law. Being a cop doesn’t mean everyone suddenly has to do everything you say, or you can arrest them.

    What happens in this video and in dozens of cases around the country is that the TSA and the police attempt to use intimidation to force private citizens to behave in ways they PERSONALLY PREFER. Without any basis or recourse to in law or policy. They use their ability to halt a traveler at the checkpoint to CREATE a disturbance that then allows them to persecute this protester and other innocent travelers.

    Yeah, the guy was making a statement. So what? It’s called freedom of speech. You think the guy is acting like a jerk? So what? Guess what, there’s no law against acting like a jerk (it’s subjective). I think those cops were jerks, does that mean they can be banned for life from the airport or from being cops?

  11. John L says:

    It’s clear that this guy was NOT found to be a threat by TSA or the Port Authority. They let him through, then said it’s up to the airline. If he was a threat, they would have arrested him on the spot.

    It was ENTIRELY jetblue’s call to ban him from the flight. We all need to take it up with the airline. PLEASE visit their website & send them a quick email to protest their handling of the “speedo activist” at JFK on 17 Dec. Since when did peaceful, relevant exercise of our free speech rights become a threat to an airliner? This guy was totally cooperative and willingly passed through security. That should be enough. Send jetblue an email RIGHT NOW!!

    • concerned citizen says:

      You go, John! Love the “plug” and yes, I will write Jetblue right now!

      Please let us keep this TSA issue on the public radar. As I visit other sites, there is a noticeable quiet about this.


      Please help by cross-posting to other blogs. This is so important. Please also contact underground journalists, dial in to radio talk shows, etc and let’s give the underground media “the nudge” to keep things humming about TSA and its violations. THIS HAS GOT TO STOP!!!
      Thank you all for your very important and very valuable help.

  12. Phoebedear says:

    Looks to me like TSA & JetBlue think they can cram this abuse down our wazzoos…

    They have their fingers in their ears repeating “we can’t hear you” to the American People, as though that will force us to accept being sexually assaulted if we want to fly.

    Well, I have news for them.. Force does not work. We will push back with equal force.

    Thank you Speedoman for your efforts. Continue the quest for us to remain a Free People.

  13. NewYorkDan says:

    The blurred lines between legal and illegal, the unnecessary displays of sheer power, the public intimidation and harassment of obviously innocent people, the complicity of law enforcement, the rules not followed, all leave me feeling quite queasy. If this is what goes on at the airport, I won’t go to the airport. I don’t go to strip clubs, either, since I dislike the subjugation of women. This is far, far worse than strip clubs. At least the women in the clubs are paid for their work (and that is a very hollow “plus,” for money is a strong form of coersion). Here, everyone is a victim and the flying public has no choice but to consent to the powers that be. One more difference: the cops at the strip club are there to protect the strippers. The cops at the airport seem to be there to protect the abusers.

  14. Catherine says:

    It is unfortunate that more people didn’t speak up for this gentlemen. The people standing in line behind him, or the people watching from other parts of the airport, just laughed or stared. This is why the police and tsa intimidators get away with subjegating the public. Most people will submit. Why? Well, in my case I am afraid as to what they might do to me personally. We need people with authority to speak up too. The lone individual will not even be considered a nuisance because they will just stop them from flying forever. I find it EXTREMELY disturbing, and hope this doesn’t get worse. But something tell me its going to get worse.

  15. d says:

    Thank you speedoman!

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