Bungling TSA screeners allowed yet another security breach at a New York-area airport when a mom was able to breeze through security with a steak knife meant to carve up her kid's apple, sources said yesterday. Despite pat-downs and X-ray scanners, the weapon got past the supposedly eagle eyes of the TSA at Newark Airport, and was revealed only by the woman herself, when she discovered it and sheepishly told JetBlue workers.
New York Post

Still think TSA protects you?

8 Responses to TSA flunks another knife-and-death test

  1. spark says:

    That depends. What the heck are you talking about? Did something happen?

  2. James Babb says:

    It’s Newark. They were too busy looking for valuables to steal.

  3. NoGrope4Me says:

    Is there a link?

  4. riotgrll says:

    Does anyone actually believe that these procedures are here for our protection?? Who ever believes the TSA “helping” us, needs a reality check.

  5. Morely Dotes says:

    The purpose of the TSA is to get you used to giving up your Constitutional rights without a whimper. Boycott commercial airlines until the SS goons go away!

  6. marlio says:

    The TSA will never catch a bomber. These people will just go through the same entrances the TSA people use, who never go through the scanners either. These machines are in place because of george soros and that ex HSA person, Chernoff and they hope to make millions off of them. WE need to protest the machines, cease to use them and boycott airlines, until our Government comes to its senses!!! This is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and needs to be STOPPED!!! For all we know, the TSA people, could plant something on an airplane.

  7. taylor barker says:

    The TSA has nothing to do with our protection. Quite the opposite in fact. This is slave training. We are being conditioned to bow down to police state authorites. We need to rub out this new paradigm before it’s too late. These violent intrusions into our lives began with the treasonous act of 911 but where will it end?

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